ColoradoCare Plan Comparison

Comparison of HCAC and HCACF single-payer plan to ColoradoCare and any other plans for Colorado state innovation in health reform:

HCACF fulfills its educating and research functions through review and comparison of alternative plans that are developed for health reform in our state. The alternate plans are reviewed by the Single Payer Task Force, and all HCAC members are welcome to participate in these reviews and weigh in on recommendations.

Comparisons are offered based on the most current published information and may be updated periodically as needed.  Over the course of the past few legislative sessions, the plan currently titled "ColoradoCare" has changed names and undergone several revisions. HCACF applauds all efforts to allow more conversation and education surrounding Colorado's health care system and needs for reform.

The comparisons and summaries below were compiled as plans were offered in order to make clear distinctions between the transformational reform that is consistent with our mission and other plans offered. 

HCACF - Comparison_of_ACA_CHCC_and_CHSA 

061415 HCACF SPTF - Evaluation of Latest Version of CHCC aka ColoradoCare 

 072315 -- ColoradoCare comparison and summary as revised and approved by board



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Education and Research Supporting Universal Health Care in Colorado